A research paper is guided by the main idea which is summed up into the thesis statement. It guides the writer as they research and write the essay and also guides the readers as they walk through the paper. Below are some of the steps to follow when writing a thesis statement.
Thesis Statement Meaning
A thesis statement is one or two sentences that explain the main ideas of an essay or research paper. It directly answers a question.
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Step 1: Ask a question about your research text
When you work with a question, it acts as a guide for your research and helps you to find a central point for the paper. To formulate a good question, understand and analyze the text of your essay. It could be a book, a film, or a science-based topic when you understand it, you can deliver the aim of the essay which is to relay information to your audience. Analyze and understand your text will allow you to choose the information to work with.
As you analyze your test, find something that intrigues you and formulate a question from or for it. This will help you form a basis around your research and make the whole task easier.
Let’s say you are working on a climate change-based topic. Focusing on the whole topic is tiring work since it’s a broad topic. You need to narrow it down to something like ‘how climate change is contributing to the spread of coronavirus?’
For climate change, your thesis statement examples could be;
- This paper discusses climate change and how some developed countries bend the rules to their favor and free the developing countries.
- Climate change is caused by human activities, such as the releasing untreated waste from industries, deforestation, and farming
Step 2: Formulate the central Point of your Essay
The answer to your research question will be the central point of your paper or thesis.
The next step after you have formulated your question is to answer it or find answers for it through comprehensive research. As easy as this process may seem, finding an answer can take a few hours or even years bending on the topic of your research.
As you dig deeper into your research, your perspective of it may change and this may lead you to view your question from a different approach. This is a good point to find the final stand for your research since you wouldn’t want to change it once you start writing your paper.
In your research, if you gather different answers for your question, formulate the central point from them all, this is your thesis. Once you’ve formulated it, write it down.
You can also seek thesis statement online writing services to assist in this process.
Step 3: Compile supporting facts
From your research materials, you need to compile the facts and evidence that support your thesis. These are the facts that led you to your thesis in the first place. You should also have evidence that disapprove your thesis to help you as you conclude your central point of discussion. Do not start with a conclusion in mind as this will lead to a confirmation bias. This works such that any evidence that disapproves of your conclusion is disregarded which should not be the case.
However, your thesis could be formulated under a different thesis statement template such as comparison and contrast.

Check out other templates on the web.
Step 4: Combine the central point with the supporting facts into one statement
The final step will be to state your central point with the supporting evidence into one statement. this will give your readers an overview of what your essay is all about as they start which is why you need to define it as clearly and concisely as possible. You will also need to preview the supporting idea that you will use in your essay’s body, this should be part of the thesis statement.
Alternatively, you can work with a thesis statement generator; a tool designed to help you combine the main points of your essay into one phrase; the thesis statement.
When writing a thesis statement, start with a question, find the answers for it and combine the question and answers into one statement.
if you stuck with your thesis statement please seek for more at besthomeworksolutions.com