Maternal Nursing Care Plan-Assignment Solution - Best Homework Solutions

Maternal Nursing Care Plan-Assignment Solution

Maternal Nursing Care Plan-Assignment Solution


Student Name: Week:2 Dates of Care:03/06/2021
Focus of Care Plan: Labor / Postpartum

(highlight area of focus)


Patient Initials








Admitting Date


Reason for Admission:

Term pregnancy admission for delivery

Attending physician/Treatment team:


Consults during hospitalization:


Present Diagnosis: (Why patient is currently in the hospital)

Labor / delivery

ER Management: (if applicable)



No known allergy

Code Status: Full Code Isolation: (type and reason)

No isolation

Admission Height: 4.11inches Admission Weight: 125lbs

Pre-pregnancy BMI:25.25kg/m2

Arm Band Location (colors & reasons)

White band, Newborn Id band

Communication needs: (verbal, nonverbal, barriers, languages)

Verbal; English is her second language. Speaks English fluently, No language barriers

Past Medical History: (pertinent & how managed)

Thyroid disease

Significant Events during this hospitalization: (include date, event and outcome)

Hypothyroidism complicating pregnancy

Tests/Treatments/Interventions impacting clinical day’s care: (include current orders)


Reproductive history:

Gravida: 2 Para: T (Term): 2 P (Preterm): 0 A (Abortions): 0 L (Living):2

Year Week gestation Outcome (SAB, IAB, NSVD, C/S) Sex of Infant Complications to pregnancy, labor/birth, or postpartum
2021 40 2/7 NSVD M Hypothyroidism
2019 39 5/7 NSVD F No

History of current pregnancy: (Postpartum and Labor Care Plan)

LMP: EDD:03/04/21

Gestation age: 40 2/7

Total number of prenatal visits:

Complications or risk factors during current pregnancy: Hypothyroidism

Prenatal education: (if yes, describe type; for instance: class, book, online…

History of current labor and birth:

Onset of labor (date, time):03/05/21

Rupture of membranes (date, time): 03/06/21 :1240pm Color of fluid: Clear

Delivery date and time:03/06/21 ;1430pm Weeks gestation:40 2/7

Delivery type: Vaginal delivery Newborn weight: 4000g

Total length of labor: 14 hours

Fetal presentation at delivery: LDA

Episiotomy and/or laceration (describe by type and/or degree): second degree laceration

Estimated blood loss: 350 ml

Anesthesia type (epidural/local/IV/none): None

Labor complications: None

Newborn History: (for Postpartum Care Plan)

Gestation age by dates:

Gestation age by exam:

Birth weight:


Head circumference: N/A

Chest circumference:

Blood type (if done):

Delivery date & time:

Delivery type:

1 minute APGAR score:

5 minute APGAR score:

Method of Feeding:

HEALTH ASSESSMENTS Postpartum or Labor: depending on focus of care plan

Assessments and interventions: (Include all pertinent data)

Vital signs: (2 sets per day)

Time 8:10
T 98.2
P 86
R 20
B/P 113/59
Pulse Ox 98
Pain Score 0
Time 12:51
T 98.3
P 96
R 20
B/P 119/69
Pulse Ox 98
Pain Score 9
Postpartum Assessment:

(for PP care plan only)




N/ A






Respiratory Assessment and Interventions:


She is breathing at a regular rate


Cardiovascular Assessments and Interventions:


Heart rate was within normal range, skin was pink and there was no edema.

Interventions: Encourage ambulation

Gastrointestinal Assessment and Interventions:


Diet: She is taking regular diet.

Interventions: Regular diet as she tolerates.

Musculoskeletal Assessment and Interventions:

S/O: Moves all extremities with no pain. No numbness

Interventions: Encourage ambulation

Neurosensory Assessments and Interventions:

S/O: No numbness or Tingling

Interventions: None

Renal Assessment and Interventions:

S/O: She was able to void

Intervention: she needs to void every 2 to 3 hours

Skin Assessment and Interventions:

S/O: Access for sores, skin color and breakdown, no pressure ulcer, skin was intact.

Intervention: Continue to monitor skin and maintain good patient care.

Endocrine Assessment and Interventions:

S/O: Patient has hypothyroidism

Intervention: Monitor input and out

Pain Assessment and Interventions:

S/O: Contraction

Pain score: 9


(scale used, location, duration, intensity, character, exacerbation, relief, interventions)

No pain medication was given as it was toward delivery of the baby.

Vascular Access: (IV site) Assessment and Interventions:


No redness or swelling.

Assessments/Interventions: (include type of fluid & access, location, dressing, date inserted, tubing change)


Continue to monitor for redness and swelling.

Endocrine Assessment and Interventions:

S/O: Patient has Hypothyroidism and no gestational diabetes


Post-operative /procedural: Assessment and Interventions:

S/O: Patient has second degree laceration


Psychosocial Assessment/Interventions: (mental illness, social history, living arrangements, primary care giver, substance abuse, maternal/infant bonding, family dynamics)

Patient living with her partner with another child

No smoking, No substance abuse.

Advance Directives/Ethical considerations:


Cultural/Spiritual Assessment and Interventions: (religious preference, adaptations & modifications, end of life decisions)

No cultural practice currently

Growth & Development Assessment and Interventions: (physical, psychosocial, cognitive, moral, spiritual using various theorist) What stage of development evident with patient:

According to the Erikson stage of development this patient is in the intimacy vs. isolation period. This is because this stage pertains with person between the age 20 and 40 and it involve young adult struggles to form close relationships and to gain capacity for intimate love.

Maternal Diagnostic Data

Results and date

Normal Lab Values

Significance to your patient

Blood type (A, B, AB, O) O+
RH Factor (“+” or “-“) +
Antibody screen (if Rh negative) Negative
Prenatal H & H 13.5/38.8
Postpartum H & H
Rubella status Immune
GBBS Negative
WBC 9.5 (03/05/21)
RBC 4.26 (03/05/21)
Platelets 173
HIV Negative
Hepatitis B Negative
GTT Normal

Newborn Diagnostic Data

Blood type (A, B, AB, O) N/A
RH Factor (“+” or “-“)
Coombs test
Blood glucose
Cord blood bilirubin
TCB/Serum bilirubin (please note whether value is TCB or serum and hour of life test completed
PLEASE NOTE: The physiology/pathophysiology discussion should be in the student’s own words. Cite the source of the information using APA format.

Normal Physiology Discussion: (All care plans must have a brief discussion of the normal physiology related to their specific patient. (Examples: Labor care plan: Discuss what is happening physiologically during labor and birth. Postpartum care plan: Describe normal postpartum physiology.)

The patient at this point is going through recovery and involution. This is the process by which the uterus is transformed from pregnant to non- pregnant state during the postpartum period. first 1-2hours check vital signs every 15minutes, check the bleeding, check the fundus, Palpate the abdomen to check where the uterus is located if it is firm. She can get up after 2 hours to empty her bladder to prevent bleeding. During this period, the uterus can be found between the umbilicus and the symphysis pubis, but after 6-12 hours after delivery the uterus is found on the umbilicus. The uterus reduces each day by 1cm below the umbilicus by help of contraction (Ricci 2017). By the 14 days the uterus descends to the pelvic cavity, and you cannot palpate. After one week the uterus is decreased to 50 percent in size and at six weeks it’s mostly reduced to the prepregnant size. During this period, mother would not need to take a bathtub but rather shower to prevent infections. Vaginal bleeding is a common thing to find after delivery but intensity of it reduces the third to fourth day, if it intensifies or the newborn mum experiences heavy discharge, she will need to call the healthcare provider. At this period, the mother is not supposed to engage in any sexual intercourse until vagina discharge clears up. The mother must be check her diet and ensure taking more prenatal vitamins and food rich in fiber to prevent constipation.

Pathophysiological Discussion: (If your patient is experiencing a pathophysiological disease process please address in your own words. Explain why this patient is encountering this particular health deficit. What is the relationship of this current health alteration to the patient’s general health?

Describe the current disease process the patient is encountering: etiology, epidemiology, pathophysiological mechanism, manifestations and treatment (medical and surgical). Also note the complications that may occur with these treatments and the patient’s overall prognosis. (Include appropriate references and use APA format.)

Hypothyroidism: This is a condition in which there is an inadequate amount of circulating thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroid (T4), causing a decrease in metabolic rate that affects all body systems. Most individual that have mild hypothyroidism are not frequently diagnosed, but the hormone disturbance can leads to medical treatment complication.

To prevent the complications in future pregnancy, the mother should be instruct to begin treatment by administration of thyroid hormone replacement therapy and also monitor for cardiovascular compromise like chest pain, palpitations, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath.

Safety: (expected and actual needs)

Access to the call light

Socks with grips on the bottom of them

Top side rails up.

Matching Id bands

Bed on lowest position

Discharge Plan: (Briefly state when, with whom, and to where the patient anticipates being discharged)

The patient will be discharge on the 03/07/21 with her partner to the house

Teaching needs: (Identify the teaching needs for this mother and/or family; bullet points OK)

. She would need to schedule a follow up doctor’s appointment when they go home.

. Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous exercise

. Try to get as much rest as she can as they will be up frequently at night with the baby

.Good nutrition and adequate fluids are necessary for tissue repair, healing, breast feeding and general health.

.Elevate their feet when sitting or lying down and making sure they drink lots of water to help get rid of the excess fluid.

.She can takes shower as many time she want but avoid tub bath or swimming until after postpartum checkup.

. To contact health care provider whenever there is frequency or burning urination, temperature is 100.4 and above, unrelieved pain, no bowel movement for four days or longer.

The patient would need to be educate on the care of newborn:

Breastfeeding, latching on, positioning, mother’s nutrition

Safety: falls, rear facing car seat, safe handling swaddling, baby bath, diapering

When to call the physician: elevated temperature, difficulty breathing, poor appetite, feeding intolerance.

List of nursing diagnoses (NANDA format). Place diagnoses in priority order and provide rationale for priority setting.


Nursing Diagnosis

Related to

As Evidence By

Rationale (reason for priority)


Acute pain Involution and laceration Pain rated at the level of 8 Pain was my priority because pain is a very uncomfortable feeling and can bring a lot of discomfort to the patient.


Caregiver role strain Newborn and one child Mother expressing that her partner will not be home Caregiver role strain was my second priority because it is the responsibility of the mother to be able to manage her time to take care of the family.


Readiness for enhanced knowledge Newborn care Gravida 2

Parity 2

This is because as a new mother or mother with experience, It is necessary to acquired more knowledge or update on child caring or care of newborn.




Dose, Route, Frequency

Purpose/Mechanism of Action (Why is THIS patient on this medication?)

Significant Side Effects/ Adverse Reactions (related to THIS patient)

Nursing Implications



75mcg daily PO
Oxytoxin 30-0.9UT/500ml IV
Lactated 125/hr


Route; IV

Fentanyl (SUBLIMAZE)


100 mcg

Every 4 hrs




0.25 mg



Nursing Diagnosis: (include all 3 components) ___________________________________________________________________

Assessment or data collection relative to the nursing diagnosis

(provide subjective and objective assessments)

Patient Outcome (objective, expected or desired outcomes or evaluation parameters)



Interventions/Implementations and Rationale

(specific nursing actions- MUST include a rationale with each intervention)



(include whether outcome was met, partially met or unmet)

If the outcome is “unmet” what is your plan to meet outcome in the future?

Nursing Diagnosis: (include all 3 components) ____________________________________________________________________

Assessment or data collection relative to the nursing diagnosis

(provide subjective and objective assessments)

Patient Outcome (objective, expected or desired outcomes or evaluation parameters)



Interventions/Implementations and Rationale

(specific nursing actions- MUST include a rationale with each intervention)



(include whether outcome was met, partially met or unmet)

If the outcome is “unmet” what is your plan to meet outcome in the future?


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